Esin (or William)

16 - He/Him - Turkish - December 6

I'm a trans boy soon-to-be university student who likes doing a lot of things, mainly creative work.

Before You Follow

  • Sometimes what I'm trying to say may not be clear. If you are confused about what I'm trying to say, feel free to ask me.

  • I get easily confused, and that may lead to me saying rude and/or offensive things. Sorry about that. Please tell me if I do.

  • I also ask for context a lot, sorry about that too.

  • My OC profiles, artwork, YouTube videos, basically my work in general sometimes covers/mentions/has sensitive content.

  • If you see something problematic on my social media profiles, please contact me privately and tell me your concerns.

DNI: Basic DNI criteria (Zionists and proshippers included, emphasizing this just in case), wehraboos, tojoboos, tankies (I don't mean communists, I mean tankies, tbh they'd technically be in the basic DNI criteria, but just in case), techbros (especially NFT or AI fanatics. I'm not talking about researchers and such. As a weird example, Yann LeCun is free to interact, but Elon Musk isn't)

Interests / Fandoms

I'm interested in many fields and media, but below is the list of those I'm interested in the most!

  • Illustration

  • Comics (especially Webtoon Canvas webcomics)

  • Animation

  • Classical music

  • Rap battles (ERB and such)

  • Literature

  • Mathematics

  • Computer science (especially TCS)

  • Public transportation

  • World War II

  • Turkish magazines

  • Minecraft

  • Undertale-Deltarune

  • Don't Hug Me I'm Scared

  • The Monument Mythos